Roundtable on legal aspects of philanthropy organized in Balti, Moldova

The event put into spotlight current barriers in fiscal and taxation policies that prevent or do not encourage businesses to participate in philanthropy.

On June 4, 2008 Eco-TIRAS, ECNL’s partner in Moldova, held a roundtable on Legal Aspects of Philanthropy in the town of Balti. The event provided a forum for recipients of private contributions, as well as givers. It also put into spotlight the current barriers in fiscal and taxation policies that prevent or do not encourage businesses to participate in philanthropy. The roundtable brought together representatives of ECNL’s EIDHR project staff, local municipality, local and national foundations and businessmen and convened some 30 participants. The roundtable was coorganized by Eco-TIRAS and a local association Pro Business Nord.

The roundtable was supported under ECNL's project “Strengthening the Legal Framewok for Citizen Action”, financed by the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).