Seminar on Lotteries in Poland

The seminar was an opportunity to discuss the funding situation of CSOs in Poland, and the lotteries as a potential source to finance activities of CSOs and other forms of civic activity.

ECNL took part in a seminar on Lotteries as a Source of Funding for Civic Initiatives. International Best Practices and Prospects for Poland, in Warsaw, Poland on February 16. The event was organized by the Institute of Public Affairs, Polish Donors Forum and the Royal Netherlands Embassy.

The seminar was an opportunity to discuss the funding situation of CSOs in Poland, and the lotteries as a potential source to finance activities of CSOs and other forms of civic activity. International experiences were presented by ECNL. The examples of Dutch charity lotteries and Slovak lotteries were described as well. The event aimed to help participants to formulate recommendations and steps that should be taken in order to open access to such sources of funding in Poland.