Serbian Ministry of Finance reacts favorably to CI/ECNL's amendments to a Draft Law on Accounting

The amendments sought to better accommodate the accounting rules to NGOs.

The Civic Initiatives (CI) and ECNL submitted amendments to a draft Law on Accounting, which was prepared by the Ministry of Finance.

The amendments sought to better accommodate the accounting rules to NGOs, which the draft, puts on equal footing with business entities in this respect. In addition, the amendments also call for the equal treatment of churches and religious organization which the draft, in violation of the Constitution, exempts from any accounting rules and obligations, even if those are the recipients of public funds.

The Ministry reacted favorable to the amendments and promised more consultations with key stakeholders before proceeding with necessary revisions in the draft. The amendments were endorsed by 200 CSOs and individuals. More information on the initiative is available at the Civic Initiatives web site.