Study on the transparency and accountability of public-benefit foundations

ECNL contributed to the study as an external consultant.

European Foundation Centre (EFC) has recently published a study on the transparency and accountability of public-benefit foundations under the title: "Exploring transparency and accountability- Regulation of public-benefit foundations in Europe".

The main objective of the study is to provide the foundation sector, public authorities, and other interested parties with an overview and analysis of regulatory and sector-developed self-regulatory approaches to ensuring the transparency and accountability of public-benefit foundations in Europe.

The study also assesses the need for actions to enhance transparency and accountability of public-benefit foundations.

The study seeks answers to the following questions:

  • What is the rationale behind having rules on transparency and accountability for public-benefit foundations, as organisations without shareholders?
  • What is the operating environment with regard to transparency and accountability for public-benefit foundations and their donors and funders, based on legislation and self-regulation? What are overall and recent trends? Are existing transparency and accountability mechanisms well designed and are they being used to their full effect? Can significant gaps be identified?
  • What is the role of self-regulation? What can be said about the relationship between public regulation and self-regulation - are they considered as complementary tools in achieving an optimal state of accountability and transparency?
  • Is there a need for more action at the level of the national or EU legislator, the foundation sector, and/or for combined efforts?


EFC Accountability Study