Input requested for OHCHR study on the right to participate

The right to directly and indirectly participate in political and public life is important in empowering individuals and groups, and is one of the core elements of human rights-based approaches aimed at eliminating marginalization and discrimination.

News reposted from the webpage of OHCHR.

Stakeholders are now invited to contribute to the study on best practices, experiences and challenges regarding the right to participate to be prepared by the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Through the adoption of resolution 27/24, the Human Rights Council requested the High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a study on “best practices, experiences and challenges and ways to overcome them with regard to the promotion, protection and implementation of the right to participate in public affairs in the context of the existing human rights law with a view to identifying possible elements of principles guiding this implementation”.

To prepare this report, OHCHR is now requesting input from various stakeholders, including States, relevant United Nations agencies, intergovernmental organizations, the treaty bodies, the special procedures, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations.

OHCHR encourages all interested parties to share best practices, experiences and challenges and ways to overcome them, with respect to the right to participate in public affairs.

The deadline for submissions is 20 February 2015. Contributions should be sent to fax number +41 41 22 917 9008 or by email to [email protected].