Action for Civic Space When and how can associations be dissolved? ECNL briefer on permissible limitations on freedom of association under international human rights law. Research
Funding and Philanthropy Initial Analysis of the Package of Draft Laws Related to CSOs Receiving Foreign Funding in Ukraine Read ECNL's analysis on the draft laws introduced in the Ukrainian Parliament which can restrict CSO's operation. Research
UN Standards The path towards General Comment No. 37 on Article 21, ICCPR Read our Briefer on the process that lead to the development of this landmark UN document. Research
Protests and Assemblies New Tech Use and Impact on Assemblies Read our Briefer on the OHCHR Thematic Report on the Impact of new technologies on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of assemblies, including peaceful protests. Research
Funding and Philanthropy Standards and Good Practices for Public Funding of Civil Society Organisations This paper presents an overview of main ideas, considerations and examples of public funding for CSOs. Research
Funding and Philanthropy Briefer- International Standards on Access to Foreign Funding for CSOs Read our Briefer on the the international standards on access to resources and foreign funding. Research
Climate Action Briefer- Closing Civic Space for Climate Activists Read our briefer on the measures taken by states worldwide to target civil society actors working on climate justice. Research
European policies Ground-breaking Handbook on How to Use EU Law to protect Civic Space Providing practical guidance for CSOs on how to advocate and litigate to protect their rights and civic space based on EU law. Research
European policies Briefer - How to Use EU Law to Protect Civic Space Read our briefer on how the new EU Law Handbook that we just launched can support your work to protect civic space in the EU. Research